Monday, June 23, 2008

Rothenberg on Harper

The Rothenberg Political Report - Good Candidates for House Come in All Shapes and Sizes - Every election cycle, I meet a lot of candidates running for the U.S. House of Representatives. Some, in fact many, have more liabilities than assets. But some actually impress me. This column is about four of them, and I’d advise keeping an eye on each at least until November.

Gregg Harper (R), Mississippi’s 3rd district. An attorney and former Rankin County Republican chairman, Harper, 52, did what many candidates promise to do but, in fact, don’t. He put together a successful grass-roots campaign. With one of his primary opponents flush with money and the other a well-known state Senator who had the governor’s media consultant at his disposal, Harper was the long-shot Republican hopeful with little cash and no district-wide recognition. But his years toiling in Republican political vineyards — whether working in phone banks for a Mississippi GOP candidate in 1978, serving as a Republican observer of the Florida recount in 2000 or working as a legal volunteer for President Bush’s campaign in Ohio in 2004 — paid off.

Harper is straightforward, astute and earnest. It’s clear that he is an extremely hard worker, and that people who meet him are willing to go to work to help him. That’s a very good sign. In a rarity these days, Harper refused to use negative information about one of his opponents. But don’t think Gregg Harper is politically naive. He isn’t. And he will win the open seat in November.


  1. Hello AnnEllisSimmons,

    I see you are watching our race. I welcome an interview with you and I hope you will encourage my opponent to debate me in an open forum. Perhaps two in July, two in August, two in September, and two in October at the date and time of his choosing. The people of District three deserve to see us face to face, one on one, not be forced to choose on 30 or 60 second sound bites from the advertising team paid for by the highest bidder.

    This race is far to important for that. This is not a high school popularity contest, this is about the future of MS and our nation. I hope you agree and I look forward to your contact.

    Joel Gill Democratic Nominee MS-03 601-613-1235

  2. You can e-mail Gregg Harper's campaign at
