Monday, June 30, 2008

Childers in Iraq, on guns, on energy

Tupelo Daily Journal - Childers recounts amazing' experiences in Iraq - With just one full day in Iraq under his belt, U.S. Rep. Travis Childers already had some stories to tell. The newly elected Democrat from Prentiss County flew to Iraq as part of an official congressional delegation Friday to visit troops, political leaders and communities in locations occupied by U.S. soldiers. "It's just been an amazing day, absolutely amazing day," Childers said in a phone conference with reporters Sunday afternoon. He and five other members of Congress arrived in Kuwait City on Saturday, Iraq time, and spent Sunday traveling across Iraq. The first trip was to Baghdad via a C-130 cargo plane. After a security briefing, the group went to see a facility featuring MRAPS, or mine-resistant ambush-protected armored vehicles. "(It) is very interesting to me, partly because one of the MRAPS, possibly two of them, various ones, were made in our district in North Mississippi, in West Point, Clay County, Miss.," he said, referring to the armored vehicles designed to survive roadside bombs. "I had a great visit with the men there. I have some wonderful pictures of the MRAPS in action." The next stop was Fallujah via an V-22 Osprey, a military plane with the features of a helicopter. There the delegation attended a briefing on the economic recovery program at an American command center before having lunch with soldiers from Mississippi. "I had a great visit with them," Childers said. "It gave me an opportunity to much North Mississippians appreciate them, not only today but always." Later the group met for counter-improvised explosive device training. "They showed us a lot of the IEDs, just how clever (terrorists) are with them," Childers said. The day closed with another meal with soldiers. "It not only made me proud to be American, but it made me proud to be a North Mississippian, knowing we have young men and women who are willing to serve and serve our country," Childers said. This is the first trip to Iraq for Childers, the former Prentiss County chancery clerk was was elected to Congress in a special election in May. The group he is traveling with consists of three Democrats and three Republicans. During his campaign, Childers advocated bringing troops home soon while providing them with material support until that happens.

CottonMouth posts that contrary to "attack ads ran by the NRCC that implied that Childers once elected would start pushing 'Speaker Pelosi's liberal agenda'" that he ran as a pro-gun candidate and "looks to remain that way". CM quotes Childers from the Sun Herald, "I believe the right to bear arms is a fundamental freedom, and I am proud to support legislation to protect the civil liberties of gun owners in north Mississippi and throughout the nation." CottonMouth - Travis Childers on Supreme Court gun ruling

TheConservativeView says Childers "rejected a real energy solution" and instead joined Democrats who "chose to insult the American people by offering sham bills". TCV quotes a NRCC spokesman, "It’s become astoundingly clear that Travis Childers and his Democrat leaders have no direction and no hope for solving the nation’s energy crisis. The American people demand action and accountability for record-high gas prices and Travis Childers has responded by sitting on his hands while his party plays political games.” TheConservativeView - Travis Childers Rejects Alternative Energy Proposal


  1. I hope Childers is going to Kirkuk! My son is stationed there and has NOT been properly taken care of! He was seeing a Doctor b4 leaving Fort Drum because of a shoulder injury. He had several cortizone shots to his shoulder and was originally told that he would not be sent to Iraq! Well, he ended up going BUT HAS NOT had proper medical attention since he got there last August! He has been a damned good soldier and is and has been in alot of pain! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE and should be looked into. My daughter-in-law has called and complained about the matter as have I. Please Mr. Childers, look into this situation! My name is Angelisa Weaver and my daughter-in-law's name is Jessica Weaver. I know she called and spoke with someone from your office that assured us this matter would not go unchecked! Thanx,
    concerned Military Mom.

  2. His Washington office number is 202-225-4306.
