Thursday, March 27, 2008

Madison Journal: Harper for Congress

Madison County Journal - EDITORIAL/Gregg Harper for Congress - Tuesday's Republican run-off election between Gregg Harper and Charlie Ross in the Third District will more than likely give the victor a straight ticket to Washington. The race between Harper and Ross is expected to be a horse race.

Either man would represent the district well. Ross has paid his dues in the halls of the state capitol as an experienced and knowledgeable legislator. He knows the mechanics of lawmaking.

Harper has paid his dues in the trenches of the Rankin County Republican Party and has developed a loyal grass roots following traversing the district in a bus once owned by Garth Brooks, which, frankly, has been one of the more interesting aspects of an otherwise dull campaign.

Ross could have no finer endorsement than Aaron Rice, the boyish Iraq war veteran who lost his left leg below the knee in a land mine attack in 2005. What a great American!

But a few key factors stand out about Harper which make him the most logical choice in this otherwise flip-of-the-coin race.

Harper is a fiscal conservative who wants to put an end to the wasteful Washington spending. He believes in a financially strong America. He has been an advocate of the Second Amendment and is quick to tell you he is a lifelong member of the NRA. Harper has also spoken out against illegal immigration, as did most every other Republican candidate. He is a strong advocate of public schools, educating his own children in them. Harper is personable and we believe will be more accessible, but he'll need to surround himself with good people knowledgeable about important issues like transportation, education and economic development.

Vote Gregg Harper for Congress on Tuesday.


  1. Personally, this is how I feel...

    Article: "Harper is a fiscal conservative who wants to put an end to the wasteful Washington spending."
    Response: Charlie Ross spent over a decade in the state legislature practicing fiscal conservation. Tort Reform and balancing the budget WITHOUT raising taxes did not come from spending money like drunken sailors. Ross put a major plug in wasteful Mississippi spending, so why wouldn't he do the same for us in Washington? Harper may well be a "fiscal conservative" but he has no record to prove such. Ross does.

    Article: "He believes in a financially strong America."
    Response: So does everyone else.

    Article: "He has been an advocate of the Second Amendment and is quick to tell you he is a lifelong member of the NRA."
    Response: Ross received a full endorsement from the NRA during last year's lt. gov. race. (Yes, he lost that race. Abe Lincoln lost a few before becoming one of our greatest presidents.) Also, Charlie Ross authored the Castle Doctrine, allowing Mississippians to defend themselves in their homes WITHOUT question from the law. That's part of the reason why the NRA supported him, I'm sure. What Mississippi Republican is for gun control?? I would say that both Harper and Ross are fans of the NRA. But the NRA has come forward publicly as a fan of Charlie Ross in recent months. Can't say that for Harper.

    Article: "Harper has also spoken out against illegal immigration, as did most every other Republican candidate."
    Response: When the founder of a nationally-known anti-immigration project decided upon an endorsement in this race, Charlie Ross was the candidate chosen. Everyone is against illegal immigration. But Ross was chosen by AN EXPERT in the field as the candidate who has what it takes to do something about it in Congress.

    Article: "He is a strong advocate of public schools, educating his own children in them."
    Response: Honestly, this is the only point that I actually half-way recognize. Ross did apparently put his kids in school at Jackson Prep, so I understand it. I was a public school graduate and support public schools 100%. However, I don't think the fact that Harper put his kids in public school qualifies him for Congress. Think about that seriously.

    Article: "[Harper will]need to surround himself with good people knowledgeable about important issues like transportation, education and economic development."
    Response: Why not just send someone to fill the seat who already is "knowledgeable about important issues like transportation, education and economic development"??

    I don't think there has ever been a question of whether or not Charlie Ross, with his Harvard Law degree and Air Force Academy degree, is knowledgeable. He is a smart guy. He has proven that much. But is this author of this article honestly saying that we should send someone to Congress who will require a knowledgeable staff, since he is lacking in that knowledge? Come on, folks. Think about what we're doing when we go back to the polls on Tuesday.

  2. I don't see any difference between these two candidates, and I defy anyone to explain how they are different. As a matter of fact, I've lived in Mississippi for over a year, and every politician who has sent me any literature has espoused exactly the same views: pro-gun, pro-life, pro-business, is a member of XYZ church, is married, has children, loves the military, blah, blah, blah. While I support some of these things, stop using buzz words like "Mississippi values" and do something to differentiate yourself. Then you might get my vote.

    I have no reason to go to the poll for the runoff, so I'm not. I went during the primary to vote for Ron Paul for President. I voted for myself for Congress, because all of the candidates on the ballot suck.
