Thursday, March 27, 2008

Friedeman for Harper; Letters for Ross

Matt Friedeman: Gregg Harper - Gregg Harper goes into every conversation he is a part of wanting to make the other participant feel good; at the least, show them tremendous respect. He has done this across a lifetime. Buy Charlie a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Gregg knows how to run a campaign without making other people foaming at the mouth mad. Charlie doesn't. Gregg says that he is a Christian and actually comes off as one when you meet him. Gregg has influenced enough people across a lot of years in grassroots politics to build up tremendous word of mouth on his behalf and great energy from people that volunteer for him. Gregg does things for you without asking anything in return. But you want to give something back when you have a chance. Having served people in the political realm like that person-to-person people are personally excited about Gregg's candidacy. Many are highly motivated to get out and vote for him on a day few will be getting out and voting for anyone. Now, I actually like Charlie Ross. If elected - and frankly, he could be - he would make a great congressman. He would hit the ground running. But if he doesn't, and I don't think at this point he will, these are the reasons why. Here's voting for Gregg Harper who has substitute hosted The Matt Friedeman Show for years. Fine Christian, socially and economically conservative, savvy personally, lots of friends that love the Harpers.

Scott County Times - Letter To The Editor - Dear Editor, 2008 is a critical election year for Mississippi, especially for conservative voters. April 1 is the runoff election for congressional seats. In November, we will also be electing the next president and our U.S. senators. Therefore, we here in the Third District cannot afford to send a congressman to Washington who has no legislative experience whatsoever. We will need a strong leader who is not afraid to stand up for us. Charlie Ross is that candidate. Charlie has always been a strong advocate for conservative Republican values and spent his time in the state senate working hard with Gov. Barbour and other Republican leaders to protect us and to help Mississippi grow its economy. Charlie is a strong Christian who is an Elder in his Presbyterian Church in Rankin County. He’s a family man and a veteran. Charlie loves Mississippi and wants to continue to serve us. If you voted in the March 11 GOP Primary, I would ask that you go to the polls on April 1 and vote for Charlie Ross n the only candidate with legislative experience. He will represent us with Christian dignity and conservative values. Thanks for your consideration, Judith Lewis, Morton

Clarion Ledger - Letter To The Editor - Ross' experience to benefit 3rd District constituents - The person we send to Washington to represent the 3rd Congressional District will be confronted with monumental decisions involving the economy, immigration, the military and cultural upheavals that threaten the character of our nation. We are fortunate to have a candidate who has the legislative background, experience and moral courage to meet these challenges. Charlie Ross is that candidate! As a veteran, he understands the military! As a legislator and a student of economics, he understands taxes budgets and the need for fiscal restraints! He has authored bills in the Mississippi Senate that have opened doors for new jobs throughout the state! As a problem-solver, he has practical ideas to offer regarding the illegal immigration crisis! On a personal level, Ross is a dedicated Christian, an elder and teacher in his church, a devoted husband to Sharon, and father of three sons: Andy, David and Steven. My descriptive terms for this outstanding public servant include: sincere, straight-talker, good listener, bright, intense, common-sensical, conservative, and competent! Ross as a representative from the 3rd Congressional District of Mississippi will serve the state and the nation with distinction! John D. McEachin, M.D., Meridian

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