Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Roundup

Mississippi atheists want to know if Gene Taylor criticizes Obama, does he have a better idea?

The Congressional Black Caucus is not happy about President Barack Obama's policies regarding black farmers. “At a minimum, the CBC should meet with the Obama administration and clarify this filing,” said Bennie Thompson.

Gene Taylor has approached House Republican Rep. Walter Jones Jr. (N.C.) to consider switching parties. "I had certain members talk to me, saying, 'Would you consider it?'" Jones said, naming Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) as one of those who approached him. But Jones, who is conservative on most issues, said he had no interest in making a switch.

Travis Childers announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has allocated nearly $2 million for rural water projects in North Mississippi through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Mt. Comfort Water Association, Inc. in Bruce will receive $1,624,000 and Coontail Water Association, Inc. in Aberdeen will receive $332,000.

House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Joseph Lieberman will introduce legislation to address what they call unacceptable security vulnerabilities of information networks at the nation's electrical power plants. The bill would give the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission increased authority to regulate cybersecurity at electrical power generation facilities.

Travis Childers will be the keynote speaker at the 93rd graduation exercises held at Northwest Mississippi Community College on Friday, May 15.

London Thompson, wife of Bennie Thompson, joined other spouses and First Lady Michelle Obama volunteering at a food bank.

Gene Taylor speaks out on Obama's Pakistan policies: "I do come from a part of the world where $400 million is still a lot of money. It seems to me that the Pakistani government considers India the primary threat, the Taliban not to be a threat."

Dorothy Benford on running for Jackson Mayor: "In Jackson, if you’re not a part of the Bennie Thompson machine or some other political machine, you are a threat."

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