Monday, January 19, 2009

Harper on Budget Committee

From a Harper release:

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Gregg Harper (R-MS) was appointed by the Steering Committee Thursday to the Committee on the Budget earning his third committee seat for the 111th Congress pending Conference approval. This prestigious committee sets guidelines in the annual budget resolution for monitoring federal programs to meet spending projections.

"I am excited to welcome Congressman Gregg Harper as the newest member of the House Budget Committee," said Ranking Republican Member Paul Ryan (WI-01). "In coming to grips with a deepening recession and a soaring budget deficit, his commitment to fiscal discipline and pro-growth economic policies will be an asset to this committee and to this nation."

"I am honored to join Congressman Ryan and I look forward to working with the members of the committee as we tackle the huge task of controlling the federal budget," said Congressman Harper. "In these times of economic uncertainty, the American people know we cannot borrow and spend our way back to prosperity and I plan to follow these conservative principles as a member of this committee."

The Committee on the Budget was established during a time of overwhelming budget deficits when Congress faced increasing challenges of managing long-term programs, such as Social Security and Medicare. The committee is the first panel to review the President's annual budget message and is responsible for the adoption of a draft budget resolution.

Congressman Harper is the only Republican freshman appointed by Republican Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) to the Committee on House Administration and also sits on the Committee on Judiciary. As a member of the Republican Steering Committee, he is been responsible for assisting in the placement of committee appointments for all 435 members of the House among other leadership responsibilities.

This esteemed committee appointment concludes Congressman Harper's committee assignments for the 111th Congress.

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