Monday, July 7, 2008

Gill at Obama Fest

Greg Snowden's blog - Hats Off To Joel Gill - Subscribers to The Meridian Star opened their Sunday paper to a front-page "above the fold" article about "Obama Fest 2008," a political rally staged over the weekend in downtown Meridian by the Lauderdale County Democratic Party. Featured in the accompanying photograph is Congressional candidate Joel Gill, microphone in hand, lustily exhorting the party faithful to elect Democrats in November. Why is this noteworthy? The truth is, it’s a rarity these days when any Mississippi congressional candidate not named Bennie Thompson actually admits to even being a Democrat. Joel Gill, however, is made of sterner stuff. You may disagree with his politics, as I certainly do, but you must salute Gill’s willingness to at least admit what he is. His honest approach to party affiliation will allow Third Congressional District voters a clear choice between his candidacy and that of his conservative Republican opponent, Gregg Harper.

1 comment:

  1. I was astounded to see the Greg Snowden disagreed with my positions! I wonder which ones they were, was it my belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman or was it my strong support of your right to keep and bear arms not only for hunting, but for personal protection as well? Maybe it was my opposition to Free Trade Agreements that put Mississippians out of work or was it my support for keeping our promises to our veterans concerning their healthcare and retirement? Maybe it was my wanting to end unfunded mandates that bind the hands of our teachers and force them to teach the test rather than the student or maybe it was wanting to make social security solvent by ending the exemption for the wealthiest taxpayers so we could then begin to discuss allowing younger workers the ability to keep a portion of their contribution under their control? Which ever of these Mr. Snowden and his liberal followers oppose, I call on him and all voters of Mississippi to demand that my opponent meet me in a series od debates (at least 3) at a time and place of his choosing to avoid scheduling conflicts so the voters of the 3rd district can compare us and our views face to face. So far, we have only been on stage three times together way back in the primary season and each of those times he had the cover of other Republican candidates. He did not even think enough of the voters to show up at the Rankin county debate although Charlie Ross did. This race is far too important to be decided by 30 or 60 second slick commercials that tell you very little or nothing about where the candidates stand on the issues. I ask the voters of the 3rd district which conservative they want to represent them in Washington, the one who will stand up in public and strongly state his positions on the issues or the one who only shows up when his handlers allow him and even then tell him "Stick to the script"?


    Joel Gill, Democratic Nominee MS-03
