Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Extremely Long Article on Gill and Harper

From the Flora Harvester (Hat Tip Y'all Politics): District 3 Candidates Ready for Drive to November


  1. I like the heading for this article ("extremely long...").

  2. The contention of Gill and Alfrey that electrification by splashing is due to electrostatic induction in the field of a contact potential is discussed in the light of other published work, and it is concluded that this contention cannot be upheld. The orthodox view that electrification of this kind arises from the existence of a double layer in the vicinity of the liquid surface suggests that there should be no charging with a non-conducting liquid, contrary to what has been found by previous workers. Experiments using the method of bubbling are described which show that the electrification does disappear, even with much more sensitive apparatus than previously used, if the purification of a liquid has been carried far enough to reduce its conductivity to below 10-13 mho cm-1.
    Mississippi Drug Addiction
