Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Djournal: "Childers: Bring home U.S. troops from Iraq"

NEMS Daily Journal - Childers: Bring home U.S. troops from Iraq - During the third day of his trip to the Middle East, U.S. Rep. Travis Childers, D-Miss., on Tuesday urged the country’s leaders to bring the American troops home. “I remain convinced that the Iraqi government needs to step up its own efforts to strengthen and repair the country’s economic situation,” Childers said in a press release. The congressman, who is part of a six-member congressional delegation on the trip, spent much of his second and third days in meetings on the Iraqi economy. “Our own economy is taking a huge hit every day that we stay in Iraq,” he said. “Funds spent in Iraq are funds we can’t spend at home to invest in sources of alternative energy, job growth, and economic development. “North Mississippians would like to see our troops return home sooner rather than later, and I am for bringing our soldiers back honorably and safely.”


  1. Was this said on foreign soil? If so, it seems to violate the long-held tradition of partisanship ending at the water's edge and showing a united front when on foreign soil. Pretty bad if this was said on foreign soil. Obviously, not expecting the DJ to pick up on such, though.

  2. Are you kidding me? The President of the United States recinded that "tradition" on May 15 in Israel, when he accused those who want to meet with foreign leaders (i.e. Obama) of "appeasement." There's no sense for the Democrats to play by rules of engagement that the Republicans don't honor.

  3. If the current administration had it's way, Iraq wouldn't be foreign soil.
