Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Frontline Childers

Roll Call - Mississippi: DCCC on Front Lines With Its Newcomer - The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee wasted little time naming the party’s most recent House addition, Rep. Travis Childers, to its “Frontline” program, which raises money for vulnerable incumbents. After spending more than $1.5 million on Childers’ special election campaign, the DCCC is intent on protecting its investment. DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen (Md.) said in a statement on Monday that Childers “has hit the ground running to serve the people of North Mississippi concerned about rising gas prices and the struggling economy. ... The Frontline Program will give Congressman Childers an added boost so he can continue focusing on the issues his constituents care most about and representing their values in Washington.”

Roll Call - And a Childers Shall Lead Them - Much has been made in recent days of the work Democratic pollster John Anzalone did for newly elected Rep. Travis Childers (D) in his special election victory in the solidly Republican 1st district of Mississippi. But Childers’ media consultant in that race, Fletcher Rowley Chao Riddle Inc., has also received credit for the former Prentiss County Chancery Clerk’s win over Southaven Mayor Greg Davis (R) in a district that strongly supported President Bush in 2004. “This was the result of an incredible team effort,” FRCR President John Rowley said in a statement. “We had the perfect candidate with an amazing group of people helping him on the ground in Mississippi.”
FRCR is based in Nashville, Tenn., and at least one of the Democratic firm’s clients — Doña Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley (D), running in New Mexico’s GOP-leaning 2nd district — noted while unveiling his latest television ad that the spot was created by the same team that advised Childers in the Mississippi special. FRCR is composed of partners William Fletcher, the firm’s CEO; Rowley, the firm’s president; Ben Chao, who recently served as national political director for New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson’s (D) presidential bid; and Mark Riddle, who in 2006 served as executive director of the Kentucky Democratic Party. The Democratic Members on FRCR’s client roster who serve in House districts that voted for Bush in 2004 include Reps. Charlie Melancon (La.), Jerry McNerney (Calif.), Zack Space (Ohio) and Tim Mahoney (Fla.).

Roll Call - Freedom’s Watch Hitting Democrats With Robocalls - Freedom’s Watch, the conservative issue advocacy group, began placing robocalls into the districts of several Democratic Members of Congress this afternoon, criticizing them for failing to finalize an Iraq War spending bill. The calls were expected to run through the Memorial Day recess. Targeted by the calls: Democratic Reps. Harry Mitchell (Ariz.), Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.), Jerry McNerney (Calif.), Bob Filner (Calif.), Joe Courtney (Conn.), Jim Marshall (Ga.), Melissa Bean (Ill.), Don Cazayoux (La.), Steny Hoyer (Md.), Chris Van Hollen (Md.), Travis Childers (Miss.), Carol Shea-Porter (N.H.), Shelley Berkley (Nev.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Joe Sestak (Pa.), Patrick Murphy (Pa.), Christopher Carney (Pa.), John Murtha (Pa.) and Nick Lampson (Texas).

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