Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Financial Services and the Mortgage Crisis

"We face tough times. We face challenges to small businesses and struggles to create jobs. We need a congressman who understands tough times, has started businesses, and created jobs. We need Travis Childers . Our leaders should have been thinking of the economic problems we face today when they passed unfair trade deals that sent our jobs overseas, gave billions in subsidies to big oil companies, ignored the home mortgage crisis, and kept spending as the deficit and national debt hit all time highs." - "Travis On The Issues" at ChildersForCongress.com

Rep. Travis Childers sits on the House Committee on Financial Services. Yesterday, another member of that committee, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) called for hearings regarding lawmakers who received discount mortgage deals from Countrywide Financial Corporation. Reports say Senators Chris Dodd (D-Conn) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) received VIP discounts on their mortgages from Countrywide and additional members may be involved. A spokesman for Rep. Barney Franks (D-Mass), the Financial Services chairman, said Franks is "not inclined to jump on this — he’s focused on legislation and will leave issues like this to other oversight committees.”

Joining Hensarling is a great opportunity for Childers to not ignore the home mortgage crisis and to work in a bipartisan way to bring real change to Washington.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like Childers and Barney Frank just worked together to move a bill important to Mississippi. Now maybe he'll encourage Frank to investigate possible wrong doing in the mortgage markets involving congressional VIPs.
