Wednesday, May 7, 2008


National Journal - No Childers Left Behind - The DCCC had already spent north of $400K in the race to replace Wicker, but "in the last half-week," MS residents "will see little else on television except" the DCCC's newest ad. The DCCC reported it has purchased $700K in advertising in the CD, "an incredible expenditure that brings the party's total spending on the seat to just over" $1.1M. GOPers, meanwhile, are on the air with their own advertising, hitting Prentiss Co. Chancery Clerk Travis Childers (D) over his associations with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-08) and Barack Obama. The GOP has put about $592K into keeping the seat, and "those ads must have been working, as Childers himself put up a response." "Make no mistake, Childers should be considered the front-runner" over Southaven Mayor Greg Davis (R). Childers won more votes in the 4/22 first round, and Dems "are spending hugely to win over the seat. While Davis still retains a solid opportunity to keep the district" in GOP hands, "he's being outspent and out-advertised," and he's "from the wrong part of the district" (, 5/1).

Daily Journal - Both parties spending plenty of money - Republicans and Democrats continued their spending ways to try to influence the outcome of the May 13 nonparty runoff pitting Southaven Mayor Greg Davis and Prentiss County Chancery Clerk Travis Childers - with the GOP surpassing the $1 million mark Tuesday. Democrats reached that level of financing last week. Childers, a Democrat, and Davis, a Republican, are running for the 1st District seat in the U.S. House. Tuesday, the following spending was reported to the Federal Election Commission:

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:
- $3,940 - field organizing
- $30,567.54 - mailing services
- $62,742.75 - media buy
- Year-to-date - $1,389,318

National Republican Congressional Committee:
- $8,800 - survey
- $12,135 - media production
- $27,150.62 - mailing services
- Year-to-date - $1,031,442.86

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