Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dancing with who brought ya

Clarion Ledger - Letter To The Editor - Childers got his 'voting card' from Mississippi Dems - It was reported on May 31 ("Newest rep already has clout") by Clarion-Ledger contributor Ana Radelat that "Rep. Charlie Melancon of Louisiana, another conservative Democrat who campaigned for (1st District U.S. Rep Travis) Childers, said ... he hopes Childers' win encourages other Southern Democrats to run in the fall." Melancon offered advice on staying independent: "I'd tell him, 'Remember who gave you that voting card,' Melancon said, referring to the card House members use to cast floor votes. 'It wasn't the Democratic Party.'" This statement is absurd. He must have not campaigned too much; otherwise he would be aware of the 800-plus Mississippi Democrats and the effort on the part of national Democrats who assisted with nearly $2 million in funds and get-out-the-vote resources. The Democratic Party of Mississippi is composed of every voter in Mississippi who votes in the Democratic primary or considers himself/herself a supporter of Democratic Party goals. To say that Rep. Childers was not given his "voting card" by the voters of Mississippi borders on "Gumpology." Was Ms. Aradelat's quote accurate?

John Tyson
Chairman, Rankin County Democratic Party
Member, State of Mississippi Democratic Executive Committee

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