Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Congressman Childers

Clarion Ledger - Newest rep already has clout - Seldom has a member of Congress had so little seniority and so much clout. Democratic 1st District Rep. Travis Childers became the newest member of the House of Representatives Tuesday to rousing applause from Democrats - and glum looks from Republicans. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland has given Childers a seat on the Agriculture Committee and said he's negotiating with him over other committee assignments. Childers said he wants a seat on the prestigious Financial Services Committee - and his status as a symbol of victory for the Democratic Party may help him get it. Political analyst Charlie Cook said winning and holding Childers' 1st District seat "is of enormous significance for Democrats," especially after the GOP tried to link Childers to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. "When you take a good old Southern boy who has never been in the room (with Obama), it's kind of hard to tarnish him that way," Cook said. Childers, who was accompanied to Washington by his wife, Tami, his daughter, Lauren, and his son, Dustin, is living in a hotel. He hopes to travel to the district every weekend to campaign. Wicker, a Republican, helped Davis campaign against Childers. But on Tuesday, he escorted Mississippians to the House gallery to watch Childers take the oath of office. Another Mississippi Republican, Pickering, escorted Childers to the House floor for the first time. But Childers' closest allies likely will be 4th District Rep. Gene Taylor and other conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats who campaigned for him. Rep. Charlie Melancon of Louisiana, another conservative Democrat who campaigned for Childers, said the Blue Dog Coalition, which has limited itself to 47 members, is looking for a way to include Childers in its ranks. "I'd tell him, 'Remember who gave you that voting card,"' Melancon said, referring to the card House members use to cast floor votes. "It wasn't the Democratic Party."

Daily Journal - U.S. Rep. Travis Childers' first speech to the House - "Today, I must begin by thanking God. By thanking my community. And by thanking the people of Mississippi's 1st District. I am humbled by the trust they have placed in me, grateful for their support and committed to working for the people of North Mississippi each and every day. I want to thank my wife, Tami, who has been by my side for 27 years and our wonderful children, Dustin and Lauren. I want to thank my mother, who always believed in me. I want to thank every person who stood with us and has been a part of my life. And I want to let everyone know that I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work. As a local elected official, I worked hard and worked with both parties. I focused on balancing budgets and creating jobs. This will still be my approach and these will be my priorities in Congress. I pledge to work as hard as I can to mend our failing economy and help bring down the skyrocketing cost of gas, groceries and health care. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you. And I look forward to standing up for the values of the people who I have the honor of serving. I pledge to work every day for the people of the 1st District of the great state of Mississippi."

Daily Journal - Childers, friends feel emotion at house swearing-in - Newly sworn in U.S. Rep. Travis Childers said he caught his breath Tuesday as he walked out onto the floor of the storied House of Representatives to take the oath of office. "I've got to tell you," he said soon after, "it was about the most humbling a thing as I've ever felt in my life - I couldn't help but think ... when you've been where I've been, it couldn't help but humble you."

Daily Journal - Tidbits from Travis Childers' first day on the job - When Booneville's Travis Childers stepped out onto the U.S. House floor to take his oath of office Tuesday, he was wearing a new grey suit with a purple tie. He told the Daily Journal late last week he planned to wear a bold, red tie. But, that was before his family insisted he buy a new suit. Mississippi’s delegation “dean,” Rep. Gene Taylor of Bay St. Louis, introduced Childers to his new colleagues, noting with amazement that Childers have come to them through the political gauntlet – four wins in four elections in 63 days. Childers said he’s staying in a fancy hotel this week, but that kind of lifestyle just can’t be sustained, so the Booneville real estate businessman will be in his element later this week – he’ll be out looking for a small apartment to live in while he’s doing the people’s business. He’s hoping he can find one with just a smidgen more room than just for himself, in case any family or other homefolks want to come up to stay. Before he was sworn in, he received his member’s pin, which he said is a terrific thing – he doesn’t have to wait in line for security checks back and forth from his Rayborn House Office Building office or elsewhere. Mississippi’s congressional delegation hosted a reception for him and visiting homefolks after his swearing-in Tuesday. Childers said he’ll host a few “mock” swearing-in ceremonies in the 1st District soon. Definitely in Booneville and maybe others in the northwest and southern parts of the district, he said Tuesday.

Daily Journal - Childers draws issues vote as his first - Timing is everything. Otherwise, new U.S. Rep. Travis Childers' first vote in the hallowed House of Representatives on Tuesday would have been in support of Frank Sinatra Day, which was May 13, to mark the issuance of a stamp with the crooner's young face on it. As it turned out, his first vote was for House Resolution 6074, the so-called Gas Price Relief for Consumers Act of 2008, which holds foreign oil-producing counties or cartels liable in U.S. courts for engaging in price-fixing or other anti-competitive activities. It passed 324-84 with 26 members not voting. The Sinatra Day vote was his second. Despite its lack of gravitas, the Sinatra bill, with Childers' support, passed by a hefty 402-3, with 29 non-votes.

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