Friday, May 9, 2008

Childers on Ag

CBSnews - A Seat On The Ag Committee Awaits Childers - Democrat Travis Childers is not yet an elected member of Congress, but party leaders are already keeping a seat on the Agriculture Committee warm for him should he be successful in the Mississippi special election on Tuesday. Should Childers beat Republican Greg Davis, the newest member of Congress would come to Washington as lawmakers finish work on a massive farm bill, legislation loaded with subsidies for farmers across the country - including those in the rural parts of the district Childers needs most to pick up the GOP seat. Lawmakers wrapped up work on that farm bill on Thursday, but Childers could still get some easy headlines if Congress approves it next week. It might even be one of his first votes, should he be successful on Tuesday. Childers and Davis are locked in a tight race to replace Republican Sen. Roger Wicker in the northeastern Mississippi district. GOP lawmakers in the House fear another special election loss could spark a wave of infighting that will make it more difficult to hold seats - or pick them up - in November. A Democratic leadership aide confirmed Thursday that Childers would be appointed to the Agriculture Committee if he wins next week. That news could give him a boost where he needs it most; the Democrat is trying to play the rural parts of the district against the more suburban communities outside Memphis, where Davis resides. Even Republicans have acknowledged their candidate has come from the "wrong" part of the district politically.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure yet where to find it on the net, but Boehner has released what Davis's committee assignments will be also. It includes Veterans Affais and I think Education and (dealing with Infrastructure) committees. FYI. Maybe you can find an official link.

    I'm not sure how relevant this is, but Dems thought it important to release Childers so I guess Pubs had to do the tit-for-tat thing. But anyway, FYI.
