Monday, March 24, 2008

Ross, Harper in Meridian

Meridian Star - Hitting the campaign trail: Gregg Harper and Charlie Ross - Harper, an attorney, is particularly proud of his grassroots ground campaign in which friends, family, and other volunteers have been going door-to-door with him all around the district. "Sidney has worked harder than I have," he said of his wife's door-to-door campaigning. His daughter, Maggie, and his son, Livingston, also have participated in the door-to-door effort, and Livingston, who suffers from a developmental disorder known as Fragile X Syndrome appeared in a T.V. ad with his father. "Livingston has enjoyed the celebrity status," Harper said. Harper feels confident about his campaign, saying, "We do believe that many of the supporters of other candidates have gotten on board with us financially and by volunteering. The momentum has been building since March 11. We're raising sufficient funds to be able to do more than we were able to do in the primary, and we have one of the best volunteer grassroots campaigns that I've ever seen. And you don't create that in three weeks." Harper has been canvassing the entire district, but has not forgotten about Lauderdale County. In a recent rally at Union Station, he said that the race "is going to be won or lost in Lauderdale County," and that residents are, "going to think we live in Meridian by April 1."

Ross hasn't forgotten about Lauderdale County either, appearing shortly after the primary to announce endorsements by former opponents Bill Marcy and Greg Hatcher, both Meridian residents. Also present at that event was Gil Carmichael, a long-time Republican leader in Mississippi. He appeared in Meridian again shortly afterwards to open a new office here, saying "I will be your congressman, I will maintain an office in Meridian." The comment prompted Harper to mention at his event that "I was the first candidate to open up an office in Meridian." Both Harper and Ross have attracted sizable crowds at their events. Ross, a veteran and a state senator, has put a strong emphasis on military in his Lauderdale County campaigning, promising over and over again, "I will keep a flying mission at the Air National Guard in Meridian," and repeatedly referring to his veteran status. Ross also has pointed extensively to his experience in the state senate as a qualifying factor in his bid for the congressional seat.

Want to meet the candidates of the Third Congressional District – Democrat Joel Gill and Republicans Charlie Ross and Gregg Harper — and hear what they have to say about the issues? The Young Professionals of Meridian will host "Meet the Candidates" on Tuesday beginning at 5:15 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 109 U.S. Highway 11 & 80. The event is free and open to the public. There will be light appetizers and a cash bar. Each candidate will speak and answer questions; they will also mingle with the crowd. The event will last until about 7 p.m. For more information, e-mail, or call (601) 938-0087.

WTOK - "On The Record" Features Congressional Candidates - The Republican runoff for the Third District Congressional race is just over a week away and both candidates have been spending a lot of time in East Mississippi. One candidate has actually said that the election will be won in Lauderdale County. The candidates appeared this weekend on "On the Record' with Newscenter Eleven's John Johnson. Here is what the candidates had to say.

"East Mississippi is an important part of what happens in Mississippi and I "believe this election will be won or lost right here in Lauderdale County, which is why I think it's so important to be here," said Gregg Harper.

"East Mississippi is such an important part of the district. I'm conservative and will be straight forward and accessible. I said early on that I will have an office in Meridian so people can talk to a live human being rather than over the phone. I'm committed to making Mississippi and the third district better," said Charlie Ross.

WTOK - Harper, Ross to Debate on WTOK - Both Gregg Harper and Charlie Ross arrived at WTOK's downtown Meridian studio for a taping of "On the Record" ready to explain why they are the best choice for the Republican nomination for Congress.

"One of the things missing in politics is real focus on the issues," said Ross, referring to the limitations of 30-second sound bites. "I think it's important for the system and important for the public."

"I think people get a better glimpse. It's so hard to really know who a candidate is in a 30 second commercial," said Harper. "We feel we have done it the best we can, but it's much better to let people hear more of what you have to say."

Harper said it's that he can work well with others, while Ross says it's his experience that sets him apart.

Meridian Star - Congressional hopefuls to make Meridian stop - Both GOP hopefuls for the Third Congressional district — Charlie Ross and Gregg Harper — will face off one week from today in a runoff election in the Republican primary. Today, both candidates, along with Democrat Joel Gill, will be in Meridian — an area they consider critical to the election — to meet with local voters. The Young Professionals of Meridian will host "Meet the Candidates" today beginning at 5:15 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 109 U.S. Highway 11 & 80. The event is free and open to the public. There will be light appetizers and a cash bar. Each candidate will speak and answer questions; they will also mingle with the crowd. The event will last until about 7 p.m. "I'm anxiously looking forward to it," Gill said of the event. "This will actually be my first chance to meet the voters in Meridian, and I'm looking forward to their questions." Ross said he was excited about the platform. "It is an opportunity to meet a large number of young professionals in a large place in Meridian," he said. "Meridian is critical in this election."

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