Monday, March 24, 2008

Red v Blue on Harper - Jere Nash Blog - Gregg Harper & Mississippi Values - Congressional candidate Gregg Harper has a new TV ad, in which he tells voters he "is running to ensure that our conservative Mississippi values have a voice in Washington." Harper then goes on to observe that "Washington has gotten off track" and that "now, more than ever, Washington needs a good dose of old fashion Mississippi values." One has to only wonder why candidates run ads like this. I guess they think voters are too dumb to ask questions like: (1) Does Harper not think Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker represent Mississippi values in Washington? or (2) Does Harper think Chip Pickering was not good enough in the values department and, as a result, allowed Washington to get off track? or (3) What values would Harper bring to Washington that President Bush does not already practice? One reason I think turnout in the Republican primary was so dismal was that none of the major candidates offered voters anything remotely exciting or different or challenging. Just the same old slogans their pollsters and media consultants tell them to say. - Nash hits Gregg Harper: Harper's stock skyrockets with Republicans - Memo to my friend Jere Nash: Please write some more unfavorable posts about my Mississippi College classmate Gregg Harper and his campaign for Congress. Every time you take a shot at Gregg, his stock goes higher among Republican voters. But the primary is only a little over a week away now, so please write something else bad about him soon...

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