Monday, March 31, 2008

Madison Mischief

Flora Harvester - Complaint filed with Madison and Ridgeland PD's over campaign shenanigans - (HatTip sippydog at Y'all Politics) [Y'all has now removed the post.] - A complaint was reportedly filed with the Madison and Ridgeland Police Department’s Sunday evening following mischief related to the ongoing District 3 Republican runoff. The situation stems from a group of young men allegedly being paid by a Madison Alderman in conjunction with the Charlie Ross campaign to remove Gregg Harper signs. The Ross camp was accused of similar tactics in the last days leading up to the Republican primary for Lieutenant Governor against Phil Bryant last year. Margaret Collins, a Harper volunteer, said that she was talking with a friend in the parking lot of a Ridgeland shopping center on Saturday around 6:30pm when a carload of young men pulled up, jumped out and began hurriedly removing Gregg Harper signs from the area. “It was almost like a Chinese fire drill,” Collins said. “They were jerking (Harper) signs up.” Collins, who is a teacher, said she immediately “went into teacher mode” and began questioning them.
As we questioned them, they kept changing their story and giving excuses,” she said. “First, they said they worked for the City of Madison. When we reminded them that they were in Ridgeland, they then said they worked for the County.” Collins said that the youngest of the group wanted to cooperate and claimed he was “just trying to make some money.” “We asked them if they were being paid by the Charlie Ross campaign, and the young man said, ‘yes’,” said Collins. Collins said she had the boys open the back of their Red Nissan X-Terra. “The signs in the trunk were all Harper signs,” she said. She said the driver then called someone who claimed to be an Alderman from the City of Madison. “The Alderman said to leave the signs up but that they will be down by Monday,” Collins recalls. “Then when we demanded the signs in the trunk, the (driver) called him back to see if they could give them to us.” Collins said neither she nor her friend were able to get the name of the Alderman, but that they were able to get a tag number off the vehicle and grab about 20 signs before the young men began to be confrontational. “It appeared they were getting paid for each sign they collected,” she said. Collins says, “It’s a shame that volunteers spend their time working on a campaign, only to see this kind of thing happen.” “I think it is ridiculous that someone would do this kind of thing,” she said. Calls to both Madison and Ridgeland Police Departments for comment were not immediately returned.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret Collins refused to take a lie detector test according to the Bolton Banner's Sunday edition.
