Friday, March 21, 2008

Harper in Meridian

WTOK - Harper Makes Meridian Stop - A Third district congressional candidate Gregg Harper campaigned in Meridian Thursday. Harper and some of his supporters spoke at a news conference at Union Station. Harper said Meridian will be his home away from home during the days leading up to an Apr. 1 run-off with Charlie Ross. The two got the most votes in a field of seven candidates in the Mar. 11 primary. "A great local support here. I can't tell you how much it meant not only to win my home county of Rankin County but to win Lauderdale County and lead the ticket over here was just an incredible blessing for us," said Harper. "And we thank everyone for that." Harper said he has picked up support another republican candidate who did not make the run-off, David Landrum. Both Harper and Ross will be the guests for WTOK's public affairs program, On the Record, Sunday, Mar. 23 at 5:30 p.m.

Meridian Star - Harper rallies supporters in Meridian - Gregg Harper, who is vying with Charlie Ross in a run-off for the 3rd Congressional District Republican nomination, visited Meridian yesterday, making a stop at Union Station to speak to friends and supporters and have some prominent members of the community speak on his behalf. Those who endorsed Harper included: Meridian clothier Harry Mayer, who said of Harper, "he'll always do the right thing,"; former Lauderdale County board of supervisors candidate Greg Mangum, who called Harper "religious" and "a true conservative"; and Pastor Carl White, who said that Harper is "as consistent as the sunrise. What you see is what you get." Additionally, Harper announced that his campaign had received a $1,000 contribution from Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant, who defeated Charlie Ross in the Lt. Governor's race last year. Harper promised in his speech to protect Lauderdale County's military facilities, spoke of his faith and of his friends and families contributions to his campaign, and said of the campaign, "You're going to think that we live in Meridian by April 1, because I do believe this election is going to be won or lost in Lauderdale County." After his speech, Harper made an additional comment, "I was the first candidate to open an office in Meridian," presumably in response to Ross' new office on Front Street. Harper's office is located on 22nd avenue.

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